Sodipa Alle Klassen Zondag 31 Maart 2019 – Verslag

Uitslag overall

Ondanks het feit dat het eerste startsignaal gegeven werd om 10:00hrs op zondagochtend – en dit na de nacht van de overschakeling van winter naar zomertijd – was er toch een zéér mooie en gevarieerde opkomst (9 x Snipe, 5 x Finn, 10 x Laser, 2 x Fireball & 1 Contender).

De zeilcondities waren voortreffelijk met een 3 à 4-tal Beaufort uit Oostelijke richting. Er werden in totaal 5 reeksen gezeild en zoals gebruikelijk werd onze Antwerpse zeilplas gekenmerkt door haar vele winddraaiingen. Dit zorgde voor een spannende én afwisselende wedstrijd met sterk verschuifende kop-posities.  Felice (ITA-29935) verdedigde met trots de italiaanse vlag en sloeg er in om als enigste snipe tijdens Manche 3 een overall eerste plaats te bekronen (rekening houdend met de handicap t.o.v de andere klassen).

Tevens maakten enkele vrouwenteams van deze gelegenheid gebruik om zich voor te bereiden op het Europees Kampioenschap Snipe voor vrouwen dat van 28 t.e.m. 30 Juni 2019 doorgaat op het Galgenweel ( Zowel BEL-30479 (Julie & Joke) als BEL-29977 (Sarah & Anne) bewezen dat er met hen rekening zal moeten gehouden worden!

Uitslag overall enkel Snipe

Antwerp Snipe Cup 2019

March is Antwerp Snipe Cup time. The popularity of the event is growing year after year. The 2019 edition was the most international ever with teams from Spain, Italy, Norway, Poland and the UK. They were joined by a good turnout from our local fleet. This was certainly boosted by the coming SWEC 2019 (Snipe Women’s European Championships). The event has raised interest from women sailors from other classes in Belgium. This year, triple Olympian Min Dezillie had her first taste of Snipe sailing after she retired from competitive sailing 15 years ago.

The conditions were particularly challenging. On Saturday, after some deliberation, the RC decided to give it a go with a triangular course. For a number of sailors as well as for the gear it proved to be a bit too much and after one race the committee wisely decided to call it a day.

This meant the serious fun started a bit earlier than planned. There had actually already been a practice run on Friday evening. The sailors were served the traditional local fare: chips and stew. This was followed by a tombola for which the organisers managed to get lots of nice prizes.

On Sunday the wind had softened enough to be able to run a full program, i.e. 4 races + a medal race. There were still plenty of capsizes but fortunately no major gear damage. The wind was shifty as it often the case on lake Galgenweel. This made the sailing very tactical with lots of position changes. One of the peculiarities of the event is that there is no discard, which some people found out to their detriment.

After 4 races the top 10 exhausted crews sailed a short 3 leg up and down course to settle the final result. In the end our president Yannick Laumans and his crew Dirk De Bock prevailed. Victor Perez (ESP) and Dries Crombé came second, ahead of Robert Drontman (also an ex Olympian) and his crew Valérie Suy.

Big thanks to local Snipe sailors Jan Peeters and Maxim Van Pelt for organizing. Next year they dare to hope for 50 entries.
